Our alums are our strength — sources of information, inspiration, and innovation. The spotlights on this page feature members of our vibrant alumni community who are celebrating their 50th reunion, highlighting their accomplishments and sharing how Berkeley has made an impact on their lives. Read on to learn more about your fellow alumni or to share your own story via the form below.

Alumni Spotlights

Color photo headshot of Antonio

Antonio V. Pizano

B.A. Architecture '73, M. Arch. '75

Learn more about his Cal experience.

Profile picture of Carlos Mendoza

Carlos Mendoza

B.A. Architecture '73

Find out more about his post graduate experience. Carlos has won several awards after serving as the district director for the U.S. Small Business Administration, Fresno District Office, helping thousands of entrepreneurs obtain SBA loans and start small businesses.

Color photo of Janis smiling at the camera in a blue and white blouse under a light blue cardigan

Janis Rovner

B.A. History '73

Find out more about her Cal family and her advice on taking advantage of the opportunities that UC Berkeley presents.

Joseph Decuir

B.S. Mechanical Engineering '72, M.S. Mechanical Engineering '73

Congratulations to Joseph Decuir on his nomination! Learn more about Joe as an entrepreneur during his 42 years of industrial work. In particular, note his contributions to medical electronics, video games, personal computers, operating system software, USB and Bluetooth wireless technology.

Nominate an alum — or yourself — to be featured in a "Spotlight"!

Use this form to nominate an alum — or yourself — who is celebrating their 50th reunion to be featured on the Reunion Alumni Spotlight page.

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Please share reason for nomination. Feel free to add link to a Bio as well.