Find out more about her Cal family and her advice on taking advantage of the opportunities that UC Berkeley presents.

How does Cal fit into your life story?
Cal has always been inextricably tethered to my life story. My father was accepted to Cal’s School of Optometry soon after he completed his service as an Army officer in World War II. From that time forward, my two older siblings — a sister and brother — and I were going to Cal, even if we did not know it at the time. My sister was class of 1966 and my brother was class of 1971. As the youngest child, I had been to the Cal campus many times to visit my siblings. Still, it was not until I was admitted to Cal and set foot on the campus as a student that I knew it was the best college for me.
What makes Cal so unique?
The beauty and breadth of Cal’s campus is spectacular, starting with views of the Golden Gate. There is Faculty Glade, small streams that sometimes meander through the university’s grounds, and the Berkeley hills above the school. In the years at Cal, I never stopped searching for the mystery and beauty of unique areas on the campus and its surroundings. The faculty is equally exceptional. Professors are accessible to students and want them to succeed and take advantage of the opportunities that UC Berkeley presents.
What is your favorite Cal memory?
No question that “The Play” in the Cal v. Stanford game was at least one unforgettable memory in Cal lore. Yet, it was a Russian and European Intellectual history professor, Nicholas Riasanovsky, who I remember. I remember his classes were always full of students in large lecture halls. I enrolled in three of his Russian history classes during my years at Berkeley. His lectures were absolutely riveting, and inspired in me a lifelong interest in history.
Do you have any advice for current students?
UC Berkeley is difficult academically, but the key is for students to plan their time accordingly for every class, in advance. Cal has so many resources for students if you are encountering academic issues. Talk to professors and their assistants if you need help in a specific class. Do not be afraid to seek help. It is there if you need it. The university is huge and can be intimidating, but there are many ways to make the university smaller. There is a multitude of clubs on campus. Choose one or two clubs that interest you. You will be able to meet new people and build friendships. Mainly, take part in activities and enjoy your time at Cal!
Janis with her husband Brian and son Brett Thompson at the Lair of the Golden Bear!
Photo credit Brett Thompson 2021.
Janis with her husband Brian and son Brett Thompson at the Lair of the Golden Bear!
Photo credit Brett Thompson 2022.